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Moving through May 2024

Distance Travelled

416.7 kms

Welcome to our team page!

We are taking part in Moving through May, a distance challenge to raise money for the Kier Foundation, to support charities chosen by each regional business and charities via the Kier Foundation match funding initiative. By making a donation in these constant changing and challenging times you are helping to support the awesome work that charities do, when their services are needed more than ever. We are joining up with our Kier colleagues, suppliers, friends and families across the UK to help raise an amazing amount of money for charity.

Thank you to our Sponsors



Always happy to help site teams when supporting local communities. Prospec team.


Saxon Contracting Nw Ltd

Good luck to the Kier ALC team from all at Saxon Contracting


Jeffrey Le Clos Sauna360

Good Luck Jon and team. Great cause


Jon Rowe


Jason Bamford


Gareth Meadows


Christopher Lewis